May all your dreams come true, and may the upcoming year be filled with amazing experiences.
Happy New Year!
Things to be proud of this year:
2020 Pandemic response
At the first days of pandemic, WIUT acknowledged the importance of health and safety precautions and initiated the installment of FaceID system to minimize contact at security points. All campus and dormitory facilities are equipped with contactless FaceID tools for staff and students at entrance points. Also, several laptops were acquired to maintain remote work of staff during emergency periods.
WLB – WIUT Learning Board
The Learning Board has been created this year and it is still being updated by requests from our academics. It is fully integrated with our Student Record System (SRS) and User database.
Throughout the semester we have used the features such as video-conferencing (integrated with timetable, conference attendance system and automatically saved), discussions, teaching materials dissemination, quizzes and other in our online teaching. Now we have 11477 lectures and seminars by timetable, 1533 rescheduled video lectures saved in our database available to administration to review them all. In addition, now it is a lot easier to generate module chronicles for our academics since all the teaching materials and assessments are automatically available to moderators through intranet. There is no need to uploaded to shared offline drive into folders. The only work is left to academics to upload SRS stats, module handbook and other related files.
New servers for online teaching
We have upgraded the storage and speed capacity of servers by switching to more powerful servers from Germany. 15 cloud servers were leased from the provider in Germany.
Graphic pads for online teaching
10 items of graphic pads were acquired to assist online teaching, especially for the modules that require calculations and for workshops.
Assessment System: both Invigilated Entrance exam and Internal exam
We have successfully launched our new assessment system in summer and initially we used system for entrance exam. It allows both subjective and objective type of questions/assessment along with or without web conference invigilation. We have integrated the system with SRS adapted the it for our internal assessment needs also. Some modules have already used it and we are going to use it for upper level from year 2021, Monday.
Admission system update
This year, we have integrated our student admission system with SRS and even 1C (accounting software) to increase the efficiency and response time. In addition, for the post graduate school we have create separate admission system.
WIUT Research Portal
August 7, 2020: Launch of Friday Newsletter – internal communication tool on research output of WIUT community.
Friday Newsletter is part of WIUT Research Portal – a platform to provide information and services on research activities at WIUT, including information on research events in and outside the university, information on calls for papers, grants and competitions, as well as services on research support schemes and research governance (Research Ethics). Currently the Research Portal is at development and testing stage – information on different Research Portal services (Research Ethics, Research Collaboration Projects Applications tool, Research Support Schemes applications and review tool, and more) are coming soon.
Updates on problems resolved:
WIFI in ATB: Last week, we have installed more RUKUS (new) WIFI points and removed the old WIFI points. Now, academics won't be connected to old WIFI points by mistake, which was the cause the slow WIFI connection.
Office Expiration: Couple PC labs and some staff computers had Windows and other soft installed using the Server IMAGE file over the summer. This caused the Microsoft Office license expiration. Help Desk is entering our official keys to all these PCs.
Internet outage: We have sent an official complaint letter to Uzbek Telecom. Hopefully, they will take it serious and provide stable internet.
In progress:
Email inbox size increase - IT is analyzing the different options to extend our email size. We are considering three options:
Physical extension
Microsoft 365 Cloud (1 TB)
Google Cloud options (1 TB).
All options have its own advantages / disadvantages, financial implications and technical synchronization side. As a result, from the next year our email space will be considerably increased.
WAMS – Workload allocation management system is being integrated. This will bring transparence and centrally planned workload allocation for all academics.
Reports Dashboard – All the statistics regarding our schools, staff, students, facilities and other will be accessible from single dashboard.
New Recruitment system for HR – centrally managed recruitment system is being integrated to our university system. This will allow manage our recruiters efficiently manage their applicants.
Staff Profile Self Update – Finally, all academic going to have and intranet integrated staff profile feature in intranet, where everyone will be able to update his profile independently and this update will be available on our official website and visible to public.
Many more goods news and improvements to come in New Year!
Thank You!
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