Universe way of holding a data, using spherical structure Fastest search may exist ever.

Each data set is stored in sphere, not a tree. The size of the sphere is limited and stored in a core node, which connects (connected to neighboring spheres) the whole sphere with other spheres. Core node also holds the maximum and minimum data.

I repeat: 

Each sphere knows about the other neighboring sphere just enough information to reach the necessary other sphere.

In each simple single sphere each node knows info about neighbor and holds its own content data too.

single node picture, more less like this.

Multiple spheres, more or less close to idea.

This idea came to me back in 1999 in WSU, while  I was observing trees algorithms...and I thought all of them are linear and too simple to hold big data, but back in those days we had no big data.

I searched science journals if there is anything like this...did not find.
